Terms of Use for ClubCalc.com


  1. ClubCalc.com is not responsible for and does not warrant the content of the materials presented on this website including materials uploaded by account holders or information resulting from calculations. Account holders use the site at their own risk.
  2. Abuse of the ClubCalc.com website by anyone will result in immediate termination of login privileges.
  3. ClubCalc.com does not condone the use any obscene, inappropriate or offensive material. Use of this material by anyone will result in immediate termination of login privileges without refund.
  4. You agree that ClubCalc.com has the right to take the site offline for short periods of time to perform regular maintenance.
  5. Upon free account sign up, ClubCalc.com grants the account holder a license to use the ClubCalc.com website. This licence includes, upon payment of any applicable fees and subject to instructor restrictions, the right to view instruction materials, download samples, participate in course programs and participate in forums. These rights are granted for the exclusive use of the account holder only. ClubCalc.com reserves the right to immediately discontinue accounts that are being shared or abused. No refund will be issued.
  6. All videos, logos, materials, and intellectual properties contained on all pages of the ClubCalc.com website are the exclusive property of the copyright holder or the intellectual property owner. These may not be copied, reproduced or redistributed in any way. Any reproduction , redistribution or misuse of the materials or any of the intellectual property associated with ClubCalc.com will result in immediate termination of the licensed account without refund.
  7. Account holders agree that any copying, reproduction or distribution of any videos, trademarks, logos, text or multimedia material, in part or in whole is prohibited and understand that any violation of this will result in immediate termination of the licence and possible legal action.
  8. ClubCalc.com is not responsible for periodic interruptions caused by internet service providers, data transmission service providers or web hosting service providers.
  9. ClubCalc.com is not responsible for providing minimum client system configurations or for performance degradation as a result of inadequately equipped, serviced or configured client systems.
  10. ClubCalc.com warrants that it will endeavour to resolve service interruptions as possible but only but only with system components that are the responsibility of ClubCalc.com
  11. ClubCalc.com uses a third party site to process online payments and is not responsible for any erroneous charges made by that third party.
  12. ClubCalc.com does not maintain records of any credit card or general credit information for any person